Three Students Got Transfer Offers from EHL

On April 16, 2014, three students Mr. XI Run Pei, Ms. LIANG Shi Wen and Ms. WU Wei successfully got offers from Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), which bestowed them the opportunities of being transferred to EHL. Before them, three students (Mr. JIA Chuan, Ms. CAO Xing Yuan and Ms. CHAI Wen Ting) were successfully transferred to EHL in 2011 and 2012.

Rooted in the Swiss sense of hospitality Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL) has, since 1893, been a pioneer in education that has inspired the world of hospitality and created a unique professional community of 25,000 global industry executives who share the same values based on EHL’s distinctive heritage.

As BHI is one of the schools with the academic certification of EHL, BHI students majoring in Hospitality Management who have got 7 credits in IELTS test can apply for transferring to EHL to continue the study. After pass the evaluation on the selection day, they can get offers from EHL for transferring. Evaluation is made according not only to the language ability, but also mindset, attitudes, motivation, passion as well as the understanding and knowledge of hospitality.

Mr. XI Runpei

Ms. LIANG Shiwen

Ms. WU Si

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