BHI International Exchange | BHI President Gao Songtao Led a Delegation to Visit and Exchange with Cooperative Universities in the UK, Deepening Cooperation for a Better Future

Recently, Dr. Gao Songtao, president of BHI, Xu Longyang, dean of Academic Affairs Department, Guo Ruihuan, director of Business Development Department, and Hu Xiuying, director of International Exchange Center of Admission Affairs Department visited four British partner universities, namely University of Plymouth, University of Oxford Brookes, University College Birmingham , and University of Hull.1.jpg          On May 23rd, Dr. Gao and his delegation visited University of Plymouth and held cooperation talks with Krzysztof Kubacki, deputy director of Arts, Humanities and Business Department of University of Plymouth, Peter Ingram, director of International Office, Huang Rong, dean of Business School, and other management team members. The main topics discussed include the matching of professional courses for cooperation between the two schools, two-way student exchange projects, communication and cooperation between teachers, and the formulation of cooperation agreements.4.jpg

On May 24th, BHI delegation went to the University of Oxford Brookes and held cooperation talks with Mark OKeeffe, director of Global Enrollment Department of the University, Krisztina Jaksa, director of International Cooperation Department of Business School, Gordon Yan, director of Undergraduate Program of Hotel Tourism Exhibition Management, and Leone Liu, officer of global enrollment. The negotiation were mainly about the matching of hotel management courses and the link-up program of bachelor's and masters .7.jpg

On May 25thBHI delegation arrived at the University College Birmingham and held cooperation talks with Alice Wilby, vice president of the university, Chris Sharpe, director of International Enrollment and Cooperation Department, Simon Chatterton, vice dean of Business School, Kathryn Hayat, director of Hotel Tourism Department and other management team members. The delegation had a detailed understanding of the characteristics of the school running, professional settings, student support and industry contacts of University College Birmingham, and had in-depth discussions on student exchanges, teacher exchanges and cooperation agreements.


On May 26th, the delegation arrived at the University of Hull and held cooperation talks with Phil Gilmartin, vice president of University of Hull, Dom Greenfield, deputy director of Global Admissions, Kerry Dobson, deputy dean of the School of Business Law and Politics, Tom Hoyland, head of Business Management Discipline and other management team members. The main topics discussed included the 2+2 double degree program, short-term study tours, and other student exchange and teacher exchange programs. A signing ceremony was held to formally determine the cooperation relationship between the two schools and the details of the program cooperation.

This successful visit to partner universities in the UK marks the beginning of a new chapter in the cooperation between BHI and British universities. BHI will take this opportunity to continue deepening its cooperation with British universities and expanding cooperation programs in more fields. In the future, BHI will actively implement the cooperation intentions and agreements reached in the negotiations, providing comprehensive support and guarantees for the communication needs of students and teachers. We believe that with the joint efforts of both parties, the cooperation between BHI and the British universities will achieve more fruitful results.

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